Fake color names, with hex values!

(If you aren't already familiar with recurrent neural networks, why not see Andrej Karpathy's excellent blog?)

These days, thanks to The Wonders of Science[TM], we can train neural networks to imitate different styles of text by showing them some examples. Often the results are gibberish, but occasionally in this gibberish there is a nugget of... less gibberish. There are many fine Python libraries out there to let one run RNN experiments: I am using textgenrnn, and fine-tuning its stock model on data of my own whimsical fancy. Here is a selection of the most interesting, perplexing, or otherwise notable outputs.

In the past, we've seen examples of char-rnns learning to produce structured text by picking up repeated patterns in the training set, like a network trained on Sherlock Holmes titles churning out "The Adventure of the ..." time after time, or the Doctor Who network repeating "... of the Daleks". I was curious how well a network would pick up on an even stronger regularity in the training set. I also just happened to know of one that I've always wanted to play with: Randall Munroe's XKCD color name survey, where he isolated almost a thousand idiosyncratic color names and their corresponding RGB hex values based on his readers' feedback. I wondered, if I fed a network highly structured examples like his color names and hex values, how well would it learn to reproduce that structure? Would it learn that every example needs to end with a pound character, followed by exactly six hex characters?

Surprisingly, yes! Every example I generated based on that training set ended in a pound followed by several hex characters, and most of them had exactly six terminal hex characters, producing a valid RGB color. Now let us take a quiet moment to enjoy them together. (In the rare cases when there were fewer than six hex characters, I padded the hex string out with 0s so I could display it. If there were extra characters, I truncated them. If there were invalid characters, I replaced them with zeros. The original machine-generated RGB code is preserved in the heading.)

algrecoac burgund turret #ff08c4



begester yellow #fe5bfd



beird #bbff3f8



bet #a5f97c



bluish blue #9d27d9



bricky brown #f8ffbf



bright sprinne #0b2599



buttersplat cramb #017ac8



cargersy #90f33a



carkey brite #c29eff



carol #0a072f



ceruckish #f59504



cerucoo #9bbf0



chocoa #55246d



clause #8fb571



cold pies #f955dc



cool old #a50001



corned orangel #be0172



cornel #c888b0



dack #c6ab29



dark fluth brown #7e6154



dark silent #fdb02f



dark sky purple grey blue brown #5d0219



dirously blue #11524e



drawn #3c0133



drug pink #cf597



drunklanda #f9507



dumline creep #870117



eggsheque #251008



eldopper #f466ff



elecbise #fdcy62



electorm #c86ae7



fadedy green #7ebuffb



faighing red #ffde72e



floon brown #a6bf8b



flummer pink #fff1c0



forestown #3e02e9



gold purple #1b224c



golder green #561452



green made green #3c9053



green/tweagle #a87563



greeny roy #e6a5d



greyish over #8d6b1c



greyish poop grey #8af70c



himple green #f2fca6



knive #c94969



lawn cyan #01c968



lick green #907971



lick red #fdc165



light blue open #fffd54



light ceriso #fcb0ff



light mintish brown #9e2a14



light pale #fddd54



light power #5a7000



light right teal #03afe4



light roiming violet #d7bd7



light turfleg #c71c03



lighty #775543



load #bff4450



macare #a8b0ea



masezel green #0fb003



meme/warm green #8f4b2a



microc #faf57



much #039c01



my mint green #0646b0



nea #be02e2



olabish poop #248016



pale rat #b1c999



paluarant #c8ffec5



paw green #0007f4



peachy shit #e00001



penal #c70864



perryy #839c78



pervert lime #dab46e



poo #d17498



poop #b9f4ba



poop life #a81ff6



poopagrams #26519e



pooping #e8092e



purpley blood #c0c124



raping #ad1000



same #619f4b



sand tauve #0b3880



scamp halme #9c01f6



shy #013494



slich blue #9d54a7



soft #8f7f54



soty #478082



sour brown #788efd



star orange #f4d958



starment blue #017348



stealer #76b4f52



tark blue #ffc1d1



tealoar #0c0050



there brown #be0a0f



thergul #d2fe2a



toupee #00043f



true put #fd4164



two #0db1293



um #b85c02



vermos #f7fc0



very hink maule #ffef4d



viblow #603716



violet out #fe4da5



witter posit purple #b63a8f



yellow live #2da268